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Look for the Greatness in Those We Lead and Involve Them  (back)
In Heather Younger’s book The Art of Caring Leadership, she talks about looking for the greatness in those you lead and also involving them in processes and initiatives (chapters 3 & 4). What does this look like in practice?

This book was featured in CSN’s Summer Book Club series earlier this year. Now we will dive deeper into some of the topics, chapter by chapter. Join Rich Gassen and Megan Wecker from the Campus Supervisors Network for a small group discussion.

Together, we will share stories from our work environments to show how looking for the greatness in your team members and involving them can result in better performance, higher job satisfaction, more employee retention, and other benefits. Come prepared to share your stories and challenges with the group.

A PDF of chapters 3 & 4, as well as other resources from the book club are available at https://uwmadison.box.com/s/oqelv2l7rr0ahcs6qt2vjmrsndufjirx. Read those chapters prior to our session.
Contact Info:
Rich Gassen (rich.gassen@wisc.edu)
No upcoming events.

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